Contact details Company Contact Address Email Address Phone Industry General information about the intended use Intended use Item / charge / material Name Material Specific Heat in kJ/kg K Throughput items / h Throughput kg/ h Temperature Note: Requirements that extend beyond comparable list specs necessitate additional costs. The nominal temperature is the highest settable furnace temperature. Working Temperature in °C Temperature Accuracy (Space and Time) in °C Nominal Temperature Nominal Temperature up to 350°C up to 500°C up to 650°C up to 750°C up to 1150°C up to 1300°C up to 1600°C Usable Space (note standard usable spaces) Width x Height x Depth in mm Safety Issues Please state! Please state! Solvent Aggressive Media Explosion Hazard Name Quantity in g Charging Please state! Please state! Racks Charging Truck Grating Metal Sheets Hoist Miscellaneous Data Protection Data Protection I have duly noted the Privacy Policy and agree to the electronic collection and storing of the data given by me. Zur Datenschutzerklärung 2 + 14 = Submit